Monday, 11 July 2011

TPacK lesson plan


General outcomes:  This lesson plan is designed for an ESL course in which the students are receiving language support for their content area courses.  Students have an intermediate level of English proficiency. The general learning outcome of this lesson is to help students formulate a convincing argument to persuade their peers to take action on an important issue; this outcome will be embedded in the context of environmental studies- which span several content –area courses. 

Specifically from the MB EAL Curriculum

GLO 3/6/2: Students’ knowledge of and ability to use the English language to explore and manage ideas; to use learning strategies to enhance learning and communication; and to plan and produce accurate written, oral, and visual texts in a subject-area task

 Specific learning outcomes: A) Students will be able to manipulate persuasive expressions and conditional clauses (if….then….) in English so that students can frame arguments effectively.  B) Students will be able to acquire vocabulary that pertains to environmental issues. C) Students will acquire several phrasal verbs as they pertain to environmentally conscious behaviour (throw out, turn off, think about, etc. )


The premise of content-based language learning is that students learn language as they learn about the world around them- and that this can happen when they are learning about math, science, social studies and many other disciplines. By interacting with each other and with the content, students will acquire the target vocabulary and language structures that are incorporated into this lesson plan. In the process of engaging with the content, language teachers can draw students’ attention to certain key vocabulary, grammatical structures and/or discourse features and students are provided numerous opportunities to encounter and to manipulate the new language in highly contextualized tasks.

Task and technology
The task: for students to prepare a short 1 minute (max.) video to persuade other students in the school to be more environmentally conscious.  Students will work in small groups to accomplish this task. 

From the Mb EAL Curriculum:

GLO 3/6/2: Students research and present to the class a specific environmental problem in the form of a proposal to a public audience, supported by a computer (or video) presentation. As students work through the module, monitor their progress, checking for use of research process and of language features covered in the module. Students also use a listening guide to peer-evaluate final presentations.

The technology: To begin, students will explore what kind of student behaviour is environmentally friendly and what is not. To achieve this, students will brainstorm as a class (titanpad) how they could persuade students to be more environmentally friendly at school.
Students will divide into small groups (maybe 3 students). Each group will choose a problem (wasted energy, lack of recycling, pollutants, wasted water, too much lunch garbage, idling cars in the parking lot, littering on the school property, drinking bottled water instead of bringing a refillable bottle etc.).
They will work collaboratively (google docs- word document) to produce a persuasive argument how this behaviour impacts the environment and what students can do to change it.  This argument will form the script for their video.
Students mayl have to do some online research to find scientific evidence (from a reputable source) to support their claims.  They will use audio and visual supports to enhance their argument. They can take and adapt photos (Picnik), import images from Creative Commons and/ or take video footage.
Students will create a storyboard with their groups to plan out their video argument. Students can use google docs- presentation to collaboratively create their storyboard to tell their argument in a visual way.  Using the storyboard as a plan and the images and footage they have gathered, students will make an audio/visual video argument (like a public service announcement) with imovie, movie maker, Photostory, or something similar.
Scaffolding activities:
explore persuasive writing/speaking (watch a video)-

watch a sample video produced by the teacher

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